Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Square Root Day

Well, we've entered Square Root Day! I didn't even realise it until Jezac brought it up~! ^-^
03/03/09 is Square Root Day because Square Root of 9 is 3! But maybe it should be called Square Day instead of Square Root Day because 3x3=9 aka 3^2=9. Well then, if today is Square Day, and 14th of March is Pi Day (circle), what do you think the next shape will be? XD

Okay so first of all, I'm sure you've all noticed that Star is now our new co-ownie. She will be in charge of various things that I have been doing so far (such as updating the team points and what not), but I'll be helping her a little. "Why did Star suddenly become co-ownie?" is probably what you have been thinking. Well, actually it was during the first election when she said she wouldn't mind being on the council. Since at that time Ichigo, Kam and Katie were already running for team leaders, I decided to offer her co-ownie position! Given her activeness in the guild, I thought that she is well suited for this, so I accepted her application through ORI's account.

Secondly, we've got to congratulate Nezumi and Applesaucemelody on their promotion! They've graduated from being mandarins to watermelons! =D It's funny because although they became bigger, they also became greener. Anyway, it's only on the outside.. Looks dont count much, right?

As mentioned earlier, 14th of March is Pi Day, so I'm thinking of having a mini Pi Day giveaway (hope this isnt against the rules), bring so prepare your pies - we might have a pie fight! =D

Everyone should register at the forums and start posting! We've got lots of interesting topics up daily waiting for your discussion! Although it might seem as if only a few subforums are active currently, you should check back on all the active topics in those forums. Alternatively as Jezac has suggested, do use the "Today's active topics" Option at the bottom of the main index to catch up on the latest topics~

The council nominations will end on March 6, so send in your applications if you would like to run for any team leader position! We are open to anyone who shows potential in contribution! Elections will probably be held from 6th or 7th till around 11th March, so everyone, remember to enable the guild mailer for your account. Go to "My account" on the neopets bar -> "preferences" and check "Enable Guild Mailings" on the page that loads.. =D

That's all, and I want to remind everyone to please advertise for us when you've got the time! Bye!

Trivia: I've been getting REs that gives me stuff everytime I've logged into the guild account for some reason.. XD I've already gotten an easter negg, a piece of treasure map and a petpet lab map so far! These will probably be up for auctions around easter so you have somethings to look forward to! ^^

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guild Updates

Hi Dreamers!

It's energy here, I got both accounts suspended, and lots of real life work coming up, so I won't be able to be on for some time =( I've decided to adopt
Jezac's suggestion to call all the MNY community Dreamers! It's a nice name, isn't it?

Anyway here are some updates!

1np auctions.

Congratulations to
Kam and Nezumi for winning themselves each a bottled faerie!
Speaking of which, I've taken down the rule that you can only bid on one auction, because I'd love it if everyone could bid on whatever they liked - it would increase competition and more people would be motivated to bid more agressively.

Side Bar Revamp.
If you had noticed, the side bar of the MNY webbie is now revamped. This is so that the newspaper would get integrated more fully into the webbie. Feel free to explore the pages you've never set your eyes on before! (Which frankly, I also never knew some existed before I started revamping the sidebar =X)

Yup, and do participate if you can~

Anime Reviews.
Jazz is compiling an anime review site for Mayonaka no Yume, and would appreciate any contributions! You dont have to rate the anime, just write what you felt about it after watching it! She didn't say, but I think about 1 to 2 paragraphs would be ideal? Send them to her neopets account: harajuku_gal55 !

Kanji of the Week.
I had been thinking about changing Kanji of the Day to Kanji of the Week for some time, and now, I finally did it! ^__^ It's hosted on a separate blog, that you can check out when you're bored. There are gadgets at the side to help you improve your japanese too!

I found a really impressive Kanji of the Week site out on the web too. It's here. The way the words are taught are really unique and shows a tremendous effort gone into making each page. I'd loved to import some content over, but I shall be original and produce my own content (like I invented the Japanese language -_-")

Yearbook Entries.
Come on, you know you want to have your name there on our MNY yearbook! =) Send it to me, preferably through my email: vkpwnsme@gmail.com since my account's suspended for now D:

Here's the format you should be respecting xD

Forum username:
Favorite anime/manga(s):
E-mail (optional):
MSN (optional):
YIM (optional):
AOL (optional):

Well, that's it *cough cough* for now. Ahh I got my font back. Okay. Yes, this is really it.. Bye! =D

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MNY is public again!

A >>>>

Well the final results to the guild poll were:

1. MNY should be public (12)
2. MNY should not be public (5)
3. We should wait a little while longer before deciding (12)

So I neomailed ORI, and she approved of going public - that makes (13) and so MNY is public once more! =D

B >>>>

I got into the mood for 1 np auctions again, so we have a couple up and running now.
Click here and here to bid on them!

C >>>>

Lastly, the council may be changed soon, so I look forward to more activity!
The forums are "shizuka ni sugiru" (too quiet)! XD

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Guild Updates

Hey everyone! Here are some updates for you!

1. Sarah has made a Vday activity on her petpage. Although it's slightly past V-day, it's never too late to spread the love! So why dont you try it out here! Besides this activity, she still has lots of others on her Guildpaper, waiting for bored people to complete! ^^

2. Jezac is running council votes. The positions open are Co-ownie, Team Leader #1, #2, and #3. The team leaders correspond to the teams in MNY's team system. If you would like to know more about our Teams, we invite you to peek at the Teams HQ page on our sidebar! The Council votes topic is HERE and the deadline for applications is 21st Feb (Saturday).

3. I have created a guild poll on the guild's mainpage sidebar on neopets, so go HERE to cast your votes, if you havent already done so! It also ends 21st Feb.

4. First round of Keyquest Tournaments will start on the 21st Feb too! (You must be thinking, it's going to be an important day!) To know more about the KQ tournament and how to sign up, refer to THIS TOPIC. You may take part even if you are not a part of any team. Just post away your available timings!

5. Where are my yearbook entries? X3

Friday, February 6, 2009

Team Activities Updates

Hi all MNY members, especially those in teams! I've compiled a list of things you can do to earn points! If you would like to enquire how your group is doing, feel free to drop me a neomail!



1. make activities: 30 points

2. participate in activities: 10 points per person per activity unless stated otherwise


1. Make small graphic: 5 points

2. Make layout: 20 points

3. Layout with code: 40 points

Some rules about submitting stuff to earn team points, particularly graphics.

1. You can post them anywhere, in the forum, hosted on another website etc, but you should provide me with the link.

2. For layouts/ shields/ banners etc (usuable graphics), submitting them for this team activities means that you automatically consent to allow other MNY members to use your layout, unless you specify otherwise yourself (no points deductable for doing so).

  • Regarding use of another member's layout - "Use" here means that you can only copy and paste the layout coding into its designated place, and edit the specified areas. No editing of the code (this include background pics, font colours etc) unless you obtain permission from the original author.

3. Graphics/Layouts need not promote MNY, those that do will be given extra credit of 2 points for small graphics and 5 points for layouts.

4. The evaluation for aesthetic sense is firm, ie no begging for more points.


1. Ideas - Only applicable if it was a good idea that was implemented: 15 points

2. Recruiting a member into MNY (not an MNY team): 30 points

3. Writing Haiku for the Guild paper. 5 points per haiku up to a maximum submission of 3 haiku per person

4. Mer’s crossword: 10 points per correct entry (all answers correct)

5. Jezac’s "Sono me... Dare no me?": 2 points per correct answer

6. Katie’s Phrase Puzzle: 5 points per correct answer

Team Activities

1. Key Quest Tournament

refer to this page for details: http://www.neopets.com/~Isfring

Each participating member is awarded 10 points per round. Commences 21 Feb – 2 rounds only. 1st round: 3 games (1 member per team per game), 2nd round: 1 game

The winning team is awarded an extra 40 points.


Timings to be confirmed. Refer to forum thread coming up soon.

2. Piece the Puzzle - starts 28 Feb, ends when the first team sends in their correctly completed puzzle. Wrong puzzles will be rejected and should be re-pieced before resubmission. If you read the activity page and do not understand, feel free to send me a neomail. I will be sending out the pieces on 28th Feb.

3. Fashion show. Send in your entries to Tia (see post below)

10 points per entry… 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awarded subsequently

Now till 7th March

*Not team related, but, can everyone send ME your profile so I can put it in the yearbook? Refer to the yearbook page for the form, thanks!

Fashion show is open for submissions!

As the title says, the fashion show is now up. You may doll up your pet and send them to Tia! But before you do so, do not neglect to check out the rules under the Teams section on the sidebar. Although this is an activity whereby you can earn points for your team, those who are not yet in a team, but pride in their neopet's snazzy look, please feel free to send in your pet as well!

The deadline for this activity is the 7th March, so all those who want to paint their pets different colours better start doing so now! =D

Fashion show entries and updates are generously hosted on Tia's petpage!