Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guild Updates

Hi Dreamers!

It's energy here, I got both accounts suspended, and lots of real life work coming up, so I won't be able to be on for some time =( I've decided to adopt
Jezac's suggestion to call all the MNY community Dreamers! It's a nice name, isn't it?

Anyway here are some updates!

1np auctions.

Congratulations to
Kam and Nezumi for winning themselves each a bottled faerie!
Speaking of which, I've taken down the rule that you can only bid on one auction, because I'd love it if everyone could bid on whatever they liked - it would increase competition and more people would be motivated to bid more agressively.

Side Bar Revamp.
If you had noticed, the side bar of the MNY webbie is now revamped. This is so that the newspaper would get integrated more fully into the webbie. Feel free to explore the pages you've never set your eyes on before! (Which frankly, I also never knew some existed before I started revamping the sidebar =X)

Yup, and do participate if you can~

Anime Reviews.
Jazz is compiling an anime review site for Mayonaka no Yume, and would appreciate any contributions! You dont have to rate the anime, just write what you felt about it after watching it! She didn't say, but I think about 1 to 2 paragraphs would be ideal? Send them to her neopets account: harajuku_gal55 !

Kanji of the Week.
I had been thinking about changing Kanji of the Day to Kanji of the Week for some time, and now, I finally did it! ^__^ It's hosted on a separate blog, that you can check out when you're bored. There are gadgets at the side to help you improve your japanese too!

I found a really impressive Kanji of the Week site out on the web too. It's here. The way the words are taught are really unique and shows a tremendous effort gone into making each page. I'd loved to import some content over, but I shall be original and produce my own content (like I invented the Japanese language -_-")

Yearbook Entries.
Come on, you know you want to have your name there on our MNY yearbook! =) Send it to me, preferably through my email: since my account's suspended for now D:

Here's the format you should be respecting xD

Forum username:
Favorite anime/manga(s):
E-mail (optional):
MSN (optional):
YIM (optional):
AOL (optional):

Well, that's it *cough cough* for now. Ahh I got my font back. Okay. Yes, this is really it.. Bye! =D

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